What people dont know

Well people have been coming here searching for what all and what not. We analyse some search terms

1. Airtel Live 403 Error – Seems like the access denied or the forbidden error , to the person who searched this : You are receiving this as airtel has limited its net access to only the airtel live portal and some selected partner sites (like indiatimes wap , rediff wap and one or two more) . Many people claim to have a solution for using free internet off of airtel’s gprs service. We do NOT reccomend this as Airtel might find out and charge you and that wont be nice believe me.

2. Orkut Addiction – Absolutely the thing you should search for while coming here. Orkut addiction has reached new levels , people spend their free time reading and writing scraps on this so called social networking site. Good thing , India doesnt know about myspace yet or else thise generation will be literally going to the dogs.

3. Index Ignore command – Read the htaccess tutorial i had posted for more on this. This command can be used to refuse the directory index of your site’s folders.
4. Picasa Web Order Prints – We have absolutely no idea on this having never tried this , but we never reccomend web ordering , just goto your nearest market and order. Believe me face to face ordering is much better than online ordering which can sometimes go horribly wrong although it might be cheaper and convinient.

Lets make this search engine strings analysis a weekly feature !!!

Is Orkut Corrupting Us ???

Digg ThisÂ

Well till an year back , most of the so called Indian Students (those famous for being studious) had nothing to do in their free time but watch TV or study , but a new bug has hit town, its called Orkut and boy is it spoiling us. I take my own example , overtly studious guy from New Delhi , did nothing but study and blog and read tech things , suddenly i get this urge to goto Orkut and scrap people , people whom i wouldnt talk to in real life and vice versa suddenly become my fans and vice versa and in the whole process a lot of time is wasted. So why do we Orkut ?

Its basic human psychology IMHO , we want company , when we cant get some in real life , we try to get it in the cyberworld , real people in the cyber world vying to be your friends and even soulmates. I goto my college library and i see every internet machine is logged onto Orkut , people wasting their precious time which would have been used to secure their future had it been 3 years back in time. I know of a few people who had earlier deleted their orkut accounts and then remade them , just because they couldnt get over their addiction. See the similarity in Orkut and Drug Addiction (leaving aint easy , you will face rejection)
Then there are people who like to look at it as a conspiracy , is it a conspiracy by the West to dumb us down ? , majority of the communities are full of Indian students , teenagers and people in their 20s at the peak of their productive lives. And what is the discussion in these communities , not good healthy conversation , but jibberish , “would you marry the person above you”, “add one if you are a boy or subtract 1 if you are a girl” , good for nothing nonsensical postings.

Not only stupid , its downright dangerous , with outright strangers making ‘offers of friendship’ to young women and some being gullible enough to accept them even without realising the obvious dangers involved in the act.

Then there are hate based communities , right from communities which proclaim your hate for a teacher to communities which proclaim your hate for another country , people are depicted as witches , national flags burning , is this the kind of thing we want to be involved in. Moreover the so called , report as bogus feature never seems to work, i take the particular example of a ‘we hate india community’ , i am sure about 5000 Indians atleast would have marked it abusive , but it was still there for months and months and months , i believe its still there or maybe it was taken down when someone filed a court case and when Google saw that its site maybe banned for Offensive and anti-nationalist content.
What people need to realise is that Google’s conscience wont stop all this , they are making cold hard cash out of this venture, they recently placed Google Adsense ads on Orkut , plus they made Orkut free for anyone to join too and their social resposibility doesnt seem to be overiding their buisness sense.
What i mean is that we really need to get rid of this addiction or else we are totally doomed !!!

Accessing Orkut

I love my Opera Mini , its so much better than the original Browser that came with my phone , but there was only 1 site it couldnt access


How could i waste countless hours without Orkut , then the smart techie Rohit comes to the rescue and enables us all to indulge even more , see and observe ::

I have seen some people sit for HOURS at the social networking site called Orkut. Many of them even try to get onto the site through their puny mobile browsers. Some time ago I had written about Opera Mini and how well it rendered pages; even those with Javascript. However it has a flaw… poor/no support for AJAX. With Google pushing its AJAX login box inside an IFrame on every one of its services, logging in through Opera Mini on its sites it next to impossible.

Same with Orkut. So for all you Orkut fanatics out there I came up with a URL that would allow you to get there even with Opera Mini!

Read the whole thing here

Orkut for Opera Mini