Accessing Orkut

I love my Opera Mini , its so much better than the original Browser that came with my phone , but there was only 1 site it couldnt access

How could i waste countless hours without Orkut , then the smart techie Rohit comes to the rescue and enables us all to indulge even more , see and observe ::

I have seen some people sit for HOURS at the social networking site called Orkut. Many of them even try to get onto the site through their puny mobile browsers. Some time ago I had written about Opera Mini and how well it rendered pages; even those with Javascript. However it has a flaw… poor/no support for AJAX. With Google pushing its AJAX login box inside an IFrame on every one of its services, logging in through Opera Mini on its sites it next to impossible.

Same with Orkut. So for all you Orkut fanatics out there I came up with a URL that would allow you to get there even with Opera Mini!

Read the whole thing here

Orkut for Opera Mini

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