About WiseTechie.com
Its a venture by college students to spread knowledge and to share technology news , facts and information with the rest of the world. We welcome suggestions and constructive criticism from all of our readers , while buying a domain the idea for this cropped up , and thus this concept of sharing knowledge was born.
Apart from providing you the latest news from the Tech. and mobile phone industry, we also bring to you a lot of consumer issues. We often post experiences with customer care centers of various companies in order to warn you against companies which do not respect their customers or atleast didnt in that case.
Please always remember that you as the consumer is what drives the market, if you stop using a company’s products if they provide shoddy service the company will not survive. People often ask us, how do you as an individual kick back ? , simple, boycott the goods of the company that mistreated you and ask all of your relatives and friends to do the same and spread the word. (Suing them in consumer courts also works)
Though we are not going to challenge Wikipedia in the near future 🙂 , we hope this site is as popular as anything.