Credit Card Problem we faced

This is from one of our readers (didnt know we had any :P) Anyway , i got a call around 2 years ago from a bank (bank name not listed for privacy concerns) , they told me i had ‘won’ a lucky draw , i would get a free...

Outsmarting Credit Cards : A brief Guide

Credit card companies have been harassing you since god knows when, take this card, take that card, its free, that’s free and in the end it turns out to be paid. Well I have got a solution to your problems. 1st Step: Get a free for life credit card,...

Airtel Spamming Customers

Ok i am an Airtel Subscriber ever since i got a mobile phone connection i.e. 2 years , i have been an Airtel fan. Thats because although its THE MOST EXPENSIVE service , its also the best in terms of coverage and quality. I didnt even know what dropped...

Is Orkut Corrupting Us ???

Digg This Well till an year back , most of the so called Indian Students (those famous for being studious) had nothing to do in their free time but watch TV or study , but a new bug has hit town, its called Orkut and boy is it spoiling...

Bowling Ball Flash Drive

Ever had that feeling that you may lose your flash drive , after all its so small that you can just keep it somewhere and forget it , not any more , 😛

Wii’s Elbow , Ouch !!!

Its been only a few days since the Wii’s launch and potential health hazards of the new sword style controller have started to come forward. People who were playing the Wii for a long time complained of pain in the joints and dubbed the syndrome as Wii’s Elbow. So...