Tips to file your claims in the Apple Slowdown cases

Are you eligible for the compensation? How to find your serial number? Apple ID not working on the claims site? Some tips to find the serial number and file your claim in the Apple iPhone slowdown scandal. ...

A new kind of Paypal scam – No they wont find it in your favor

When I was growing up the narrative around online shopping and safety was quite simple. Paypal was supposed to be the best company to buy stuff with. They always sided with the buyer and had the most buyer friendly policies in case of disputes. Things have changed drastically though....

SoFi Money review – beware of poor customer service

A financial company called SoFi started offering a Cash Management account with a 2.25% APR. There didn’t seem to be a catch or many unreasonable fees. So we opened a new SoFi Money account with them and moved some money. Everything was uneventful until the day they decided to...