Category: webmaster

How to remove Google / Yahoo redirection virus or malware from your website

I am a part time moderator/web administrator on our unofficial college website. Last year our website had been hacked and some malicious script had been placed on it which was causing redirection of some Google referred traffic. It would not resend all Google referred traffic though, it even placed...

Latest Paypal India Fiasco : RBI and Indian Govt. end Paypal for Indians

If you are a Paypal Indian customer, your life with Paypal is officially over thanks to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Indian Government. You would have received an email to this effect already and would have realised that the Paypal account you so cherished is now...

Payments Reversed : Paypal bans personal payments to/from India

Update 2: I really hope this agent is wrong in what they wrote : The email from Paypal says that the banning of personal payments to and from India is a permanent change. Please read the Paypal email below regarding the banning of personal payments. Thank you for contacting...

If you are famous, please start blogging

Amitabh Bachan started blogging on Bidadda and one fine day he releases some of his blog stats. Around 37000 visitors in the first 6 days of September, takes us the whole month to reach that number. BigAdda also must be laughing all the way to the bank, great work...