Category: Online Shopping India

Get cashback on everything in India through TopCashBack India

I just learnt today that TopCashBack has an Indian subsidiary. To people who may not know, TopCashBack is a site which gives you cashback for your regular shopping when you click via the website while going to the merchant. So for example if you want to buy a pizza...

Flipkart : Please don’t lie in your ads about understanding customer impatience

If you watch TV these days, you couldn’t have missed the new Flipkart television advertisements. In the ads, children play the role of grownups and praise Flipkart’s awesome service. However one ad caught my eye, because my experience was a complete 180 degrees from what the ad portrayed. Here...

Move over Redbull : Tzinga heats up the energy drink war in India !

Since time immemorial Red Bull has been the unchallenged energy drink in India. A few more players came, Cloud 9 etc. , but never was the launch threatening to its position in the market. A few days ago, Tzinga contacted me and asked me if I would like to...