Category: Banks

A new kind of Paypal scam – No they wont find it in your favor

When I was growing up the narrative around online shopping and safety was quite simple. Paypal was supposed to be the best company to buy stuff with. They always sided with the buyer and had the most buyer friendly policies in case of disputes. Things have changed drastically though....

HDFC Bank to start charging service fee to its best customers

In a bizarre move HDFC Bank has decided to charge its preferred customers Rs.100 quarterly fee just for having the preferred status. The move seems bizarre since preferred customers must already put a lot of money in the bank to qualify in the preferred program. Moreover according to the...

Homestreet Bank : Good Riddance !

If you live in the Pacific Northwest, chances are that you may have heard of this bank called Homestreet Bank, well in all probability you haven’t and neither had I. They did however offer something called a Seahawks checking account and I was intrigued. Being a hawks fan and...