Snack Reviews continued: Goodfish Crispy Salmon Skin chips
Today I will review a slightly different snack than I usually do. Today I will review the Goodfish salmon skin crisps. I will admit, I got curious after watching their ads on Instagram and crispy salmon skins super rich in Omega 3 sounded like an amazing idea. As always, this review is unpaid and I paid for the chips with my hard earned money to bring you an unbiased review of these very Instagrammy chips.
Ingredients and Nutrition
Maltodextrin is a Sugar!!!
Dont be fooled by these names, Maltodextrin is a sugar which is actually sweeter than Glucose. A product claiming to be Keto should not have sugars in it.
Lets have a look at the Ingredients in chilli lime flavor:
Ingredients: salmon skin, organic palm oil, organic maltodextrin, sea salt, organic honey, organic ginger, organic lime juice, organic chili pepper, malic acid, organic tamari soy sauce (soybeans, salt)
Oh my God! notice the amount of junk in this thing including maltodextrin and soy. Their website is truly deceptive on ingredients and foolishly i did not double check.
Keto friendly? Want my opinion, No f-ing way. Maltodextrin has a high GI and causes insulin spikes. That alongwith the sugar makes it a no-no for the Keto diet in my opinion.
Maltodextrin has a higher Glycemic index than glucose as well. I also recommend avoiding any kind of Soy. This is definitely not a clean product no matter what they say. Some other flavors even have corn starch. To see something with clean ingredients, have a look at the Golden Milk by Sports Research available to Costco.
I love all the organic stuff in the ingredients but its really bad that they are misleading people on the health aspects calling this keto friendly and not being open about the ingredients. This obviously deserves a 1 star. However I will give it 2 stars for using organic stuff.
Look at how their website shows the ingredients for the same flavor:
That’s it? Seriously guys!
The taste of the chips is very fishy. The texture is light and crispy and the palm oil does not come across. The flavoring is on point though and adds a nice subtle hint to the fish. I liked the chilli lime flavor the most and the cranberry flavor the least. Overall the fish skin chips taste A-OK. Nothing much to be said here.
Overall I would not buy these again. Partly because of the ingredient mess up but also because they are super expensive. An 8 pack costs 25 dollars so that is more than $3 a bag. Not just that, the bag is only 15g.
So its like paying for air, in my test batch there were 5 small pieces of skin and some crumbs. My recommendation would be to go for an old fashioned salmon fillet for your omega 3s and give the Good fish chips a royal skip. Shiny Instagram ads cannot make up for the junk ingredients in otherwise what could have been an amazing product.
Yay or Nay: