Fring your way to Skype Calls
Software : Fring VOIP
Platform : Symbian
Everyone who uses the internet knows about the benefits of Skype. It allows you to make free PC to PC calls and paid PC to phone ones. But its always a nuisance to switch on your computer , connect the Mic and the Speakers/Headphones and talk like you are the Radio Communicator of some 1950s war movie.
So i searched for a Symbian utility that would help me make calls over GPRS and pretty soon i landed my hands on this nifty utility. ITs called Fring and is by an Israel based company (i think). It allows you to make free Skype, MSN and Gtalk calls from your GPRS enabled symbian handset.
The method to install Fring is a little bit weird, you must first register your telephone number on Fring and they will send you an SMS with the URL to the download location. On clicking the link Fring will be downloaded and installed to your phone.
So what is Fring and how does it work, Fring enables the usage of VoIP over mobile phones and hence make life a little bit easier for us. It means like i call people from Skype,Google Talk and MSN using my computer , the same can be done by a mobile phone. I talk on my cellphone like its a regular call and it doesn’t cost a thing.
My Experience
My experience has been a mixed one. I am using the 2.0 version which does not have SIP.
Its a nice software. Enabled me to make calls with my Airtel Mobile Office GPRS account. But there was a 1-3 second lag probably due to Airtel’s slow connection. And another thing is that the Application is somewhat unstable. The application crashed often on my Symbian phone leaving its backend UA clent working. But free lunch is always good. I enjoy using it, the convienience is unmatched and the voice quality is pretty good when my internet is working nicely. All in all a great software and highly reccomended.
We reccomend you create special accounts for usage with Fring, as you have to disclose your login and password to their utility.
thanks for sharing this utility. I have been using a symbian nokia phone for a long time and thanks to you I am totally falling in love with it again.
You are welcome Jack, we try to provide reviews of good utilities which can be of use to everyone.
I downloaded this as you had told , but i am facing problems, i cant seem to disconnect calls properly, fring keeps on hanging !
Hi Ian
Why dont you try their support forums, they have excellent support , they might be able to help you with this.
can you let me know how much it costs for a 5 min call via fring. I am using airtel mobile office for connecting on fring.
@Nitin – sorry bro, never measured it, ask directly on the fring discussion board.